Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Client Questions - 7/6/2011

1. Can I get a ballpark price on ripping out the paneling in the workout room and just putting plaster on it?  It is such a stupid expense but I can't really see another option now that the entire back wall needed to be rebuilt and because we have filled in the door. Sure

2.  Doors in the basement: into the mudroom from the garage, into the utility room, into the hallway and into the laundry room. I think it might make sense to make these door frames wider so we can get appliances in and out without having so saw off the molding like we had to when we brought in the dryer.  Is it too late for that now?  Sorry.. just thought of it... We actually need to do that for the laundry room.  I will check on the width of the other doors today.

3. Mike told me we need a metal door into the garage to bring it up to code.  By code you need a fire door there.  I hadn't noticed that it wasn't.

4. What is your vision for the laundry room set up under the stairs etc?  I thought we are putting deep open shelving there.  Would you prefer it to be closed off?

5.  I noticed some water/ condensation on the floor in the laundry room against the wall next to the outdoor work room.  Do you think we need to reinstall the dehumidifier we had running down there or when we have the HVAC system on will that solve the problem? Humidity is an issue down there now because the door is open so much during construction.  This will reduce somewhat once door is kept closed.  A humidifier is always a good thing.

6.  Since we have to take off panels etc on the front of the house, I assume we will paint that area around the door.  Do you think I need new light fixtures and house numbers?   Haven't looked at those but my guess would be yes.  Though you could do that at anytime.

7. I got a new peep hole which is smaller than the one we currently have so we will probably need wood filler around the old one.  Needham Lock said it should be in in less than a month. 

8. Will we ever need to access stuff for the HVAC system in the ceiling in the cellar hallway or the mudroom ceiling?  I noticed there are no panels there.  Wherever there are controls or shutoffs there are access panels.  Other areas should be fine.

9.  Do you think we should we remove the other cupboard in the dining room to create more symmetry?  Not necessarily.

10. I went to California closets yesterday and left as confused as when I started.  I have a catalog to show you and some materials. Maybe I could come over to the house today if you are going there? Otherwise perhaps next week? I will be there tomorrow morning.  Today I am flat out.

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